Dec 12
Adelaide Microsoft Copilot User Group – Launch 2024

As interest and curiosity continue to grow around and for Microsoft Copilot and how people can make use of it, The Adelaide Microsoft Copilot User Group has been created to assist the community in understanding Microsoft Copilot.

The scale of impact from Copilot is going to be huge!

We are still settling on a launch date and anticipate that we will meet each month on the day date (i.e 3rd Tuesday of the month), however the Adelaide Microsoft Copilot User Group will be meeting at the Microsoft Office at Level 12/147 Pirie St, Adelaide SA 5000.

We have secured Andrew Coates – Principal Software Engineer at Microsoft for our first inaugural meeting in February 2024.

Be sure to sign up to the Mailing list at and follow our social media pages to ensure you never miss an update!

Adelaide Microsoft Copilot User Group Links

Some VERY useful links when it comes to Microsoft Copilot:


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